Catalyst Academy of Life Sciences, Pinnacle Educare, Strive Institute, UnAcademy are some of the coaching centers which claim to provide the best coaching for the CSIR Net Life Science Exam in Mumbai.
But amongst the many available institutes, Catalyst Academy of Life Sciences is the most preferred by students.
Let’s understand why CALS is different from others and most preferred by every aspirant.
Live Online Classes:
CALS provides live online classes for the CSIR Net Life Science exam, making the students feel that they have their professor right by their side.
Easy Access To Teachers:
In other coaching institutes, students often refrain from asking doubts repeatedly, thinking that teachers might get irritated in explaining a single point again and again. However, that’s not the case in CALS. All our highly qualified and experienced faculty is always available for the students whenever they doubt. Students also have the liberty to request an extra or doubt clarification class which the teachers can arrange by figuring out a suitable time.
Separate Team For Designing Study Material:
In other coaching institutes for the NET CSIR Life Science exam, the teachers are also given the responsibility of preparing study material. This keeps them burdened with a lot of work, thereby hampering their teaching ability. However, at CALS, we have a separate team that is solely responsible for preparing the study material. Our team ensures that the same is updated as per the syllabus.
See our Lates Study Material For CSIR Net Life Sciecne Courses
Timely Course Completion:
Most of the coaching institutes, while trying to impart coaching for the NET CSIR Life Science Exam, complete the syllabus at the last minute, which leaves the students with no time to revise their course and take mock tests. But CALS designs its course so that the entire syllabus of the exam gets completed within a stipulated time. While following the time limit, our teachers strictly teach in such a manner that every student can thoroughly understand every concept in detail.
Taking coaching for the CSIR Net Life Science exam at CALS gives students the best of both worlds as they get the advantage of timely course completion and the benefit of revising and covering mock tests and sample papers.
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