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CSIR NET Online Test Series / CSIR NET Mock Test

csir net test series

We provide online test series for CSIR NET Life Science and Mock Test Series. The test series is a complete package for testing your knowledge. The test series follows actual exam pattern of CSIR NET.

Our Online Life Science test series include Unit Tests (Part B and C questions from single units ONLY) and Combined Mock Tests (Part B and C questions from all 13 units). Each test contain three sections (Part A, B, C) which include total 145 questions. Student gets three hour time for solving a paper.

You can get your scores immediately after submitting the paper. The test series will help in boosting analytical thinking, time management and answer accuracy. The test series will be also helpful in other competitive exams like SET, GATE (BT and LS), ICMR, DBT-JRF etc.

Students can take a free CSIR NET demo test series for testing our content.

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